(Formerly the Bachelor Beauts and Swinging Mountaineers)
The Bachelor Beauts and Swinging Mountaineers, a longtime square dancing tradition in Central Oregon, joined forces on January 1, 2020 to become the High Desert Dancers (HDD).
At HDD dances you can expect a terrific variety of some of the best callers and cuers in Oregon and Washington. Visitors are always welcome and although square dance attire is always welcome it is never required
Dance Times and Locations
- Mainstream Dances — 1st and 3rd Saturdays
- Plus Dances — 2nd and 4th Fridays
- Usually 6:45 – 9:30 PM – Squares & Rounds (6:45-7:15 pre-rounds)
- Pine Forest Grange, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend, Oregon [Map]
- Dance cost is $8.00 per person except on special dances
- Check this website’s Dance Calendar to see who’s calling/cueing, and what’s happening at each dance. HDD often offers special sessions prior to the start of the dance
Click here to see the calendar of events for this club
Club Callers and Cuers.
- Excellent guest callers who visit from Oregon and Washington
- Guest cuers
Theme Dances
- The High Desert Dancers hold a variety of theme dances including birthday dances in May and Double Down weekends with the Red Rock Squares throughout the year. The dance calendar always has up-to-date details.
Flyer for our next theme dance:
Upcoming double-down triple-up dances with the Red Rock Squares:
Round Dance Workshops with Rikki
- Lessons information can be found on the Lessons page of this website.
President–Dan Duggen | 503-730-8982 | [email protected] |
Lessons Coordinator–Kay Bithell | 541-382-7014 | [email protected] |
2025 Open/Close & Door Duty Roster
Contact Kay Bithel at [email protected] or 541-382-7014 to have your name added to the list.
3445total visits,5visits today